Color Ideas For Business Casual Work Outfits

blue-cardigan-with-black-pants white-blouse-with-blue-skirt-and-black-belt white-jacket-blue-top-black-skirt-with-blue-purse

Incorporate some blue into your casual business attire – create some work outfits with black, white and blue. Wear your black casual pants with a blue cardigan for a relaxed look. Make a girly work outfit with a basic white blouse and a blue skirt – accessorize with a bold black belt. Throwing a suit jacket over a skirt and blouse outfit, makes a good alternative to professional women’s suits. If you want a little bit less casual business outfit, take a black skirt from your business suit (surely all professional women must have at least one black power suit), and wear it with a belted white jacket. Break it off with a blue top accompanied by a big blue bag. As I’m sure most professional women would agree, the bag is an integral part of a casual work outfit.

~ by careerfashion on March 30, 2009.

4 Responses to “Color Ideas For Business Casual Work Outfits”

  1. i love your blog! it’s great to see an entire blog devoted for career fashion, something that is often overlooked.

    • Thanks. Let us know if you have specific fashion questions, or certains wardrobe subject you want information about. Johanna

  2. Yay for this blog! I am re-entering the work force after 18 years of raising kids and need to know what’s appropriate these days…things have changed a lot in two decades! Thanks!

  3. I am really loving this blog. Thanks so very much. It’s hard for me to think of professional clothing without feeling drab or masculine. I appreciate all the tips

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